The placement team is running under the supervision and guidance of Principal. The placement team consists of faculty coordinators from all departments to take of students’ training, communication and other skillsets. The placement team will conduct periodical training session with assessment portion to evaluate the students individually and help them to solve their remarks identified. Normally, students are trained well before the date of interview with reference to the placement conditions raised by the recruiters. Our students are trained to improve their personal skillsets with moral values. This will helps them in good position in the place where they are getting employed. To improve the communication skill, the spoken English course is periodically conducted for the students from the first year of studies onwards. In order to improve the employability in Japanese companies, the Japanese language training through the outsourcing is planned for the academic year 2021-22 onwards. The aim of the KHTPC is to provide the multiple and standard offers to the students and let them to settle with good working environment.
Training the students before the interview helps them to explore the best performance on the day of interview. In this regard, based on the visiting companies’ interview pattern students are getting trained by the placement team. Even during Covid pandemic period, the students are trained on different categories through Google classroom. Training and Placement Cell periodically conducting the training programmes to improve the communication skills, problem solving and technical skills.
Our students are insisted to take the online Mock test at periodic intervals to evaluate themselves and by the placement team then and there. Students can use the following web links (but not limited to) to take the mock test.