Electrical and
Electronics engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the
study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program aims at giving the students a
strong background in physical sciences as well as the basic area concepts, such
as electronic circuits, analog and digital systems, communications, machines
and control systems.
The Department was
started in 2012 with an intake of 60 later it was extended intake of 120 in 2013.
There are lots of government job opportunities for an electrical engineer. The
students will be able to apply jobs for both in central government as well as
state government organizations. Electrical engineers can apply for the various
posts at various sub-stations. We have given excellent placement opportunity
for our students in both core and it sector. Students are facilitated to attend
the industrial training and in-plant training for every academic year. We also
provide students activities club for developing their intellectual skill as
well as social responsibilities.